
When visions come bursting into the realm of reality…

When visions come bursting into the realm of reality…

Eight years ago I had a vision of creating an organisation that would heal all the children of the planet. I trusted, as I always trust in the Universal workings of this earthly realm, that this would one day become truth.  The space, however, between that moment the vision was gifted upon me, and the time in which it would be a reality, was vast and cavernous, filled with uncertainty, curiosity, human fear (of course), and many unfinished sentences and unanswered questions.

Over a period of six years my vision remained just that.  A vision. A concept in my head. It was, however, developing tendrils as the Universe provided pieces and snippets that began to move the vision forward, edging towards being a plan, then a strategy, all the while retaining the excitement that keeps the embers of a vision glowing, even if at times they seem to be almost extinguished.

Last year, the stepping stones changed and I was faced with giant leap. I took a deep breath and jumped, and the Oasis Natural Health Foundation as a real, tangible entity was born. Finally.

Suddenly, momentum changed. I had told the Universe I was ready, and boy did the Universe provide!!  I was taken to Bali almost immediately where I was called to Jembaten Senang and shown first hand what ES Therapy can do in a very small amount of time. (I will write some more on this soon – stand by…)

Then the whirlwind began. The Universe was throwing me signs, callings and opportunities so quickly I could barely keep up!  It has taken every moment of the last ten months to catch the threads and tie them together – formalising therapy methods, training fellow therapists, liaising with charitable organisations worldwide to prioritise where commence our healing work, fundraising, dotting Is and crossing Ts, booking flights, building a web site, social media profiles…….and on and on!

I am flying out on Monday to train therapists in Bali, Thailand and Laos and cement alliances with organisations that work with Deaf, Blind and Disabled Children in various locations throughout these three countries.  Between now and February next year I will be doing the same in Bangladesh, Malaysia and India.

The Universe’s magic carpet is hurtling at full speed, and I am gripping on for dear life. Was I ready? Sometimes I wonder when my bones ache with exhaustion and my mind is spinning.  One thing I know for certain – this is definitely one ride I wouldn’t miss for anything!!

1 Comment

  1. Ice

    Thanks for that! It’s just the answer I nedede.

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